diff --git a/src/Controller/TYPProfileController.php b/src/Controller/TYPProfileController.php --- a/src/Controller/TYPProfileController.php +++ b/src/Controller/TYPProfileController.php @@ -1,397 +1,406 @@ trigger(); } public function formatWorkingHour($s) { foreach( explode(",", $s) as $p) { $ps[] = $p; } return implode(", ", $ps); } protected $data; protected static function insertVisit($bizid, $customerid){ // DO NOT DO THIS! THIS IS NOT PROPER PLACE.. AND TOO BIG DATA! // VORAPOAP 1/10/2558 /*db_set_active("typ_data"); $data['businessid'] = trim($bizid); $data['customerid'] = trim($customerid); $data['goodsid'] = ""; db_insert('last_visit_product')->fields($data)->execute(); db_set_active();*/ } public function checkLPRedirect($options = array()){ $data = \Drupal::service('typ.api')->getLandingpage($options); $customer = array(); if($data){ $info = $data['_info']; $res = $data['_res']; $sub = $res['subdomains'][$info['headingcode']]; $datenow = date('Y-m-d'); $status = 0; if($datenow <= date('Y-m-d', strtotime($sub['enddate']))){ if($datenow >= date('Y-m-d', strtotime($sub['startdate'])) && $datenow <= date('Y-m-d', strtotime($sub['enddate']))){ $status = 1; }else{ $status = 2; } } $lp = $res['landingpages'][$info['headingcode']]; if(intval($lp['hide']) == '1' || intval($lp['accounting_status']) == 1){ $status = 0; } $customer['busid'] = $info['customerid'].$info['headingcode'].$lp['addressid']; $customer['custid'] = $info['customerid']; $customer['subdomain'] = $sub['subdomain']; $customer['headingcode'] = $info['headingcode']; $customer['URL'] = $sub['url']; $customer['title'] = $sub['title']; $customer['keyword'] = $sub['keyword']; $customer['desc'] = $sub['desc']; $customer['theme'] = $lp['theme']; $customer['siteid'] = $sub['siteclick']; $customer['status'] = $status; } return $customer; } public function profileTitle($bizid) { $this->data = \Drupal::service("typ.search")->getProfile($bizid ,AUTO); if (!$this->data) return ''; else return $this->data['humanname']; } public function profilePage($bizid){ // $bizid filler $input = str_replace(".html","",$bizid); $input = explode("_", $input); $input = end($input); list($bizid , $addressId) = explode('-', $input); // $this->data = \Drupal::service("typ.search")->getProfile($bizid ,AUTO); $result = \Drupal::service('typ.unvservice')->loadListing($this->data['customerid']); $address_id = ""; $language = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId(); if(isset($_COOKIE['breadcrumbs'])) { $breadcrumbs_data = $_COOKIE['breadcrumbs']; $breadcrumbs_ex= explode(",", $breadcrumbs_data); $breadcrumbs[$breadcrumbs_ex[0]] = $breadcrumbs_ex[0]; $breadcrumbs['data'] = $breadcrumbs_ex[1]; $breadcrumbs['businessid'] = $breadcrumbs_ex[2]; } $data = $this->data; if (!$data) { throw new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException(); } if(!empty($data['redirect'])){ $lp = $data['redirect']; if(strpos($data['redirect'], 'http://') === false){ $lp = 'http://'.$data['redirect']; } $chk_lp = array(); if($lp){ $redirect = str_replace(array("http://", "/"), "", $lp); if(strpos($redirect, \Drupal\typ_legacy\Service\TYP::config('typ.subdomain')) !== false){ //Subdomain $options['type'] = 'subdomain'; $exp = explode(".", $redirect); $options['SUBDOMAIN'] = current($exp); }else{ //Domian $options['type'] = 'domain'; $options['DOMAIN'] = $redirect; } $chk_lp = $this->checkLPRedirect($options); } if($chk_lp['status'] == '1'){ header('Location: '.$lp); exit(); } }else{ if(!empty($data['landingpage']) && !empty($data['subdomain'])){ $options['customerid'] = $data['customerid']; $options['headingcode'] = $data['headingcode']; $onserv = \Drupal::service('typ.subdomain')->getOnServiceSubdomain($options, true); if($onserv[0] == true){ $lp = $data['landingpage']; if(strpos($data['landingpage'], 'http://') === false){ $lp = 'http://'.$data['landingpage']; } if(!empty($lp)){ header('Location: '.$lp); exit(); } } } } if($this->data['onlinepromotion']){ $promotiond_mongo = \Drupal::service("typ.profile")->_getpromotion($bizid); $promo = iterator_to_array($promotiond_mongo); $proid = array(); foreach ($promo as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $k => $val) { if($k == 'th'){ $proid['promotion'] += $val; }if($k == 'en'){ $proid['promotion'] += $val; }else{ $proid['promotion'][$k] = $val; } } } // echo "
             $result['address'][$data['headingcode']][$data['addressid']]['promotion'] = $proid['promotion'];
             // echo "
-        //Insesrt visit page
-        //self::insertVisit($data['businessid'], $data['customerid']);
-        /*if($data['landingpage'] == ""){
-            $address_id = $data['addressid'];
-        }
-        if(is_numeric($address_id)){
-            $result = \Drupal::service('typ.unvservice')->loadListing($data['customerid']);
-            $rs_details = (!empty($result['address'][$data['headingcod']][$address_id]['frontviews']))?$result['address'][$headingcode][$data['headingcod']]['frontviews']:array();
-        } else {
-            $result = \Drupal::service('typ.unvservice')->loadService($data['customerid']);
-        }*/
-        //(!empty($result['landingpages'][$data['headingcode']]))?$result['landingpages'][$data['headingcode']]:array();
-        //$type = '';
         $address_id = $data['addressid'];
         $type = $this->data['customertype'];
         if($this->data['accounting_status'] == '1' || $this->data['hide'] == '1'){   // Check Disable Packet and Hide content
             $result['customertype'] = 'FL';
             $type = 'FL';
         if( $type== 'FL' || $this->data['customertype'] == ''){
             $type = 'FL';
             $result_olc = \Drupal::service('typ.catalog')->getPreparedCatalogItemSet($data['customerid']);
         if($language == 'en'){
             $base_path = '/en/';
             $base_path = '/';
+        /*Prepare Headings*/
+        if(!empty($data['headings'])){
+			$lang = $language[0];
+			$headings = array();
+			foreach ($data['headings'] as $value) {
+				$item = array();
+				$item['headingcode'] =  $value['headingcode'];
+				$item['headingname'] = $value['headingname'.$lang];
+				$item['subgroupcode'] = $value['subgroupcode'];
+				$item['subgroupname'] = $value['subgroupname'.$lang];
+				$item['groupcode'] = $value['groupcode'];
+				$item['groupname'] = $value['groupname'.$lang];
+				$headings[$item['headingname']] = $item;
+			}
+			$data['headings'] = array_values($headings);
+        }
             echo "
             echo "
Service:";if($this->data['accounting_status'] == '1'){ echo "Don't have a Service";}else{ echo "Service"; } echo ""; echo "
Hide:";if($this->data['hide'] == '1'){ echo "Hide"; }else{ echo "Don't Hide"; } echo ""; echo "

"; var_export($this->data); exit; } if($type == 'FL'){ $data['profile'] = strip_tags($data['profile']); $data['proddesc'] = strip_tags($data['proddesc']); } $pos = strpos(html_entity_decode($data['proddesc']),"

"); if($pos !== false && $data['proddesc']){ $tempdesc = substr(html_entity_decode($data['proddesc']),3); }else{ $tempdesc = html_entity_decode(html_entity_decode($data['proddesc'])) ; //$tempdesc = $data['proddesc']; } if(strlen($tempdesc) != 0) { //$temp = '

'; $tempdesc = $temp . $tempdesc; } if($type == "FL") { $dataproddesct = iconv_substr($tempdesc,0,150,"UTF-8"); if(strlen($dataproddesct) > 150){ $dataproddesct .= '...'; } }else{ $dataproddesct = $tempdesc; } //$dataproddesct = str_replace("


",$dataproddesct); if($type != "FL" && !empty($result_olc)){ $olcdata = $result_olc[0]; } if(!empty($dataproddesct)){ $data['proddesc'] = $dataproddesct; } if (!empty($data['telno'])) { foreach ($data['telno'] as $t) { $data['_format']['telno'][] = TYPUtilsService::formatPhoneNumber($t); } } if (!empty($data['fax'])) { foreach ($data['fax'] as $t) { $data['_format']['fax'][] = TYPUtilsService::formatPhoneNumber($t); } } if(!empty($data['website'])){ $data['website_show'] = $data['website']; - $data['website'] = explode(",",$data['website']); + //$data['website'] = explode(",",$data['website']); $item = array(); if(!empty($data['website'])){ foreach($data['website'] as $key => $new){ if(strpos($new, 'http://') === FALSE && strpos($new, 'https://') === FALSE){ $item['http://'.$new] = $new; }else{ $item[$new] = $new; } } $data['website'] = $item; } } - $thai_month_arr = array('01'=>'ม.ค.','02'=>'ก.พ.','03'=>'มี.ค.','04'=>'เม.ย.','05'=>'พ.ค.','06'=>'มิ.ย.','07'=>'ก.ค.','08'=>'ส.ค.','09'=>'ก.ย.','10'=>'ต.ค.','11'=>'พ.ย.','12'=>'ธ.ค.'); + /*$thai_month_arr = array('01'=>'ม.ค.','02'=>'ก.พ.','03'=>'มี.ค.','04'=>'เม.ย.','05'=>'พ.ค.','06'=>'มิ.ย.','07'=>'ก.ค.','08'=>'ส.ค.','09'=>'ก.ย.','10'=>'ต.ค.','11'=>'พ.ย.','12'=>'ธ.ค.'); list($year, $month,$day) = explode('-', $result['address'][$data['headingcode']][$data['addressid']]['promotion']['enddate']); $date_e = $day." ".$thai_month_arr[$month]." ".($year+543); $end_date_promotion = $result['address'][$data['headingcode']][$data['addressid']]['promotion']['enddate']; list($year, $month,$day) = explode('-', $result['address'][$data['headingcode']][$data['addressid']]['promotion']['startdate']); $date_s = $day." ".$thai_month_arr[$month]." ".($year+543); $result['address'][$data['headingcode']][$data['addressid']]['promotion']['startdate'] = $date_s; $result['address'][$data['headingcode']][$data['addressid']]['promotion']['enddate'] = $date_e; - $result['address'][$data['headingcode']][$data['addressid']]['promotion']['subject'] = preg_replace('/]*?>/','',html_entity_decode($result['address'][$data['headingcode']][$data['addressid']]['promotion']['subject'])); + $result['address'][$data['headingcode']][$data['addressid']]['promotion']['subject'] = preg_replace('/]*?>/','',html_entity_decode($result['address'][$data['headingcode']][$data['addressid']]['promotion']['subject']));*/ - if(date("Y-m-d") > $end_date_promotion){ + /*if(date("Y-m-d") > $end_date_promotion){ $promotion_data = ''; }else{ $promotion_data = $result['address'][$data['headingcode']][$data['addressid']]['promotion']; - } + }*/ if(!empty($data['profile'])){ $data['profile'] = preg_replace('/]*?>/','',html_entity_decode($data['profile'])); } if (!empty($data['workinghours'])) { $data['_format']['workinghours'] = $this->formatWorkingHour($data['workinghours']); $data['customertyp'] = $data['customertype']; } if(!empty($data['cityname'])){ $bangkok = array('กรุงเทพ','กรุงเทพฯ','ก.ท.ม.','กรุงเทพมหานคร','กทม','จังหวัดกรุงเทพมหานคร','จังหวัด กรุงเทพมหานคร'); if(!in_array($data['cityname'],$bangkok) && strpos($data['cityname'], "จังหวัด") === false){ $data['cityname'] = t('Province') .' '. $data['cityname']; } } - - //$data['profile'] = str_replace("


",$data['profile']); - $data['lang'] = $this->data['lang']; + /*Logo*/ + if(!empty($data['logof'])){ + $data['logo'] = \Drupal::service('typ.search')->_detectImage('logo', $data['logof']); + } + /*Picture*/ + if(!empty($data['pictures'])){ + $data['pictures'] = \Drupal::service('typ.search')->createImageThumbnail($data, 'large'); + } - if(!empty($promotion_data['promoimg']) && @file_exists('http://promotion.yellowpages.co.th/media/promotion/'.$promotion_data['promoimg'])){ // images from Old system + /*if(!empty($promotion_data['promoimg']) && @file_exists('http://promotion.yellowpages.co.th/media/promotion/'.$promotion_data['promoimg'])){ // images from Old system $promotion_data['baseurl'] = 'http://promotion.yellowpages.co.th/media/promotion/'; }else{ $promotion_data['baseurl'] = 'http://media.yellowpages.co.th/yellowpages/promotion/'; } - + */ if(empty($data['printads']) && ($data['printadstf'] || $data['printadsef'])){ if($data['lang'] == 'th'){ $exp = explode('.', $data['printadstf']); }else{ $exp = explode('.', $data['printadsef']); } if($exp){ $data['printads'] = $exp[0]; } } $link_url = "$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; $check_lang = explode("/", $link_url); if($check_lang[1] == 'en'){ $link_url = str_replace("/en/", "/", $link_url); } + /*echo "

+        var_export($data); exit();*/
         $display[] = array(
             '#theme' => 'typ_profile',
             '#profile' => $data,
             '#prodescription' => $dataproddesct,
             '#catalog' => $olcdata,
             '#type' => $type,
             '#promotion' => $promotion_data,
             '#breadcrumbs' => $breadcrumbs,
             '#base_path' => $base_path,
             '#facebook_comment' => $link_url,
         if ($type != 'FL')
             $display['#attached']['drupalSettings']['disableAds'] = TRUE;
         $display['#attached']['library'] = array(
         if($type == 'FL'){
             $display['#attached']['library'] = array(
             $display[] = array(
                 '#markup' => format_string('
',array()) ); }else{ $display['#attached']['library'] = array( 'typ_profile/profile.popup', 'typ_contrib/colorbox', ); } return $display; } public function getTitlePromotion(){ return t('How to get promotion'); } public function getPromotion(){ $mobileDetector = \Drupal::service('krs.mobile_detect'); if($mobileDetector->isAndroidOS() == 1 ){ header('Location: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.initialive.yellowpages.act&hl=th'); exit; }if($mobileDetector->isIOS() == 1){ header('Location: https://itunes.apple.com/th/app/thailand-yellowpages/id387848017?mt=8'); exit; }else{ header('Location: http://m.yellowpages.co.th/mobile/typliveplus/user/'); exit; } $display[] = array( '#theme' => 'typ_promotion', ); $display['#attached']['library'] = array( 'typ_profile/profile.popup', ); return $display; } } diff --git a/templates/typ-profile.html.twig b/templates/typ-profile.html.twig --- a/templates/typ-profile.html.twig +++ b/templates/typ-profile.html.twig @@ -1,224 +1,229 @@ {% set base_images = 'http://media.yellowpages.co.th/yellowpages' %} {% set base_promotion = promotion.baseurl %}
{% if profile.logo %}
{#logo#} - +
{% else %}
{#end logo#} {% endif %}

{{ profile.humanname|raw }}

{% if profile.districtname or profile.cityname %} {{ [profile.districtname,profile.cityname]|join(' ') }} {% endif %} - {% if profile.headingname %} + {% if profile.headings %}

- {% trans %}Category{% endtrans %} : {{ profile.headingname|raw }} + {% trans %}Category{% endtrans %} : + {% for key, heading in profile.headings %} + {% if loop.last %} + {{ heading.headingname|raw }} + {% else %} + {{ heading.headingname|raw }}, + {% endif %} + {% endfor %}

{% endif %}

View : xxxxx


{% trans %} Views {% endtrans %} : xxxxx

{% if profile.profile %}

{{ profile.profile|raw }}

{% endif %} {% if profile.proddesc %} {% trans %} Product And Service {% endtrans %}

{{ profile.proddesc|raw }}

{% endif %} {% if profile.brandname %} {% trans %}Brand Name{% endtrans %}

{{ profile.brandname|replace({"

":" ","

":" "}) }}

{% endif %}
{#end description#} {#picture#} -
  • - -
  • -
  • - -
  • -
  • - -
  • -
{#end picture#} + {% if profile.pictures %} +
    + {% for key, picture in profile.pictures %} +
  • + +
  • + {% endfor %} +
+ {% endif %} + {#end picture#} {#contact#}

Contact Information


{% trans %} Contact Information {% endtrans %}

{#Business Name.#} {% if profile.humanname %}

{% trans %} Business Name {% endtrans %}:

{{ profile.humanname }}
{% endif %} {#address#}

{% trans %} Address {% endtrans %}:

{{ [profile.addr,profile.soi,profile.road,profile.subdistrictname,profile.districtname,profile.cityname,profile.postcode]|join(' ') }}
{#tel.#} {% if profile.telno %}

{% trans %} Tel {% endtrans %}:

{% if profile.telno %} {% for key, tel in profile._format.telno %} {% if loop.last %} {{ tel }} {% else %} {{ tel }}, {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {#fax#} {% if profile.fax %}

{% trans %} Fax {% endtrans %}:

{% if profile.fax %} {% for key, fax in profile._format.fax %} {% if loop.last %} {{ fax }} {% else %} {{ fax }}, {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {#e-mail#} {% if profile.email %}

{% trans %} Email {% endtrans %}:

{% if profile.email %} - {% set email = profile.email|split(',') %} - {% for key , mail in email %} + {% for key , mail in profile.email %} {% if loop.last %} {{ mail }} {% else %} {{ mail }}, {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {#website#} {% if profile.website %}

{% trans %} Website {% endtrans %}:

{% if profile.website %} - {% set website_show = profile.website|split(',') %} - {% if website_show|length > 0 %} - {% for key , web in profile.website_show %} - {% if loop.last %} - {{web}} - {% else %} - {{web}}, - {% endif %} - {% endfor %} - {% endif %} + {% for key , web in profile.website %} + {% if loop.last %} + {{web}} + {% else %} + {{web}}, + {% endif %} + {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {#work-time#} {% if profile.workinghours %}

{% trans %} Work-Time {% endtrans %}:

{% if not profile.workinghours %} {% else %} {{ profile._format.workinghours }} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{#end contact#} {#Map#} {% if profile.location.lat and profile.location.lon %} {% endif %} {#end Map#} - +

{% trans %} Comment {% endtrans %}

{#facebook#} -
{{ app.request.getRequestUri() }}
{#end facebook#}
{#end typ profile freelist#}